- How to emulate Java "synchronized" keyword in C++
- Upgrade your Qt-Installation to Qt 5.4 by a clean re-install
- Linux Mint - Mate Desktop: Configure transmission-gtk to handle magnet-links in Google Chrome
- Linux Mint: Move your home-directory into a separate partition after installation
- Linux Mint: Setup autofs to mount automatically NFS-shares from a Synology
- Linux Mint: Install and configure OpenSSH
- Linux Mint: Install new kernel version and update Virtual Box kernel module
- Linux Mint: Install multiple versions of gcc at the same time
- Linux Mint: Mount your iPhone like an external drive to transfer photos and videos
- Linux Mint: Linux Mint: Build your own debian package of cmake
- Linux Mint: Compile and install the Go compiler from source
- Linux Mint: Compile the Lua interpreter from source and build your own Debian package to install it
- Linux Mint: Install the proper firmware and set-up the USB-BT400 for linux
- Linux Mint: Compile the Lua interpreter from source and build your own Debian package to install it
- Windows 10: Compile the Lua interpreter from source and install it for the local user
Raspberry Pi
- Prepare your Synology NAS to install custom packages via ipkg
- Install Bash-Shell in favour of Ash-Shell on your Synology
- Manage your local scripts via git on a shared directory of your NAS