Compile the latest version of the Lua language interpreter from source (in this case version 5.3.5). Build a locally installed Lua interpreter for the current user only, in order to have the possibility to safely remove it when necessary.
As I already mentioned in my previous post "Linux Mint: Compile the Lua interpreter from source and build your own Debian package to install it", I wanted to have a scripting language that smoothly can be integrated and combined with C++. I figured that Lua would be very handy for that job. This time, I didn't just want to have the language interpreter build for my main operating system, which is Linux Mint, but also for Windows 10. I wanted to have the installation build from the same sources for both operating systems. This article describes the process to get a local portable installation of the Lua interpreter on per user basis. It tries to describe how to compile your own Lua interpreter on Windows 10 using the (command line interface) CLI compiler from Microsoft e.g. Visual Studio 2019 Community Edition.
- Windows 10 (64 Bit)
- Microsoft Visual Studio 2019
I decided to do the whole build and temporary stuff within a
folder in my home account.The boostrap toolchain will reside in the sub-directory
within that "tmp"
folder.Get the latest source of the Lua interpreter from their homepage
Open a cmd shell, by right-clicking the Windows icon in the lower-left corner of your screen. Select "Run" from the context-menu and type
.You should get a command shell, where the current directory is already your home-directory, but to be sure, navigate to that location and create the sub-directories
by typing:$> cd %HOMEDRIVE%\%HOMEPATH%
$> mkdir tmp\lua
$> cd tmp\lua
$> mkdir tmp\lua
$> cd tmp\lua
To see, where
is pointing to, type in your cmd-shell:$> echo %HOMEDRIVE%\%HOMEPATH%
Now, open your preferred browser and navigate to the Lua FTP download page. Download the latest version of thte source code, and save it in your home-directory under the newly created folder
. Im my case the current source package of Lua was "lua-5.3.5.tar.gz".Now you have to unpack the newly downloaded package
into the "tmp\lua"
folder. I am not sure if the standard Window 10 unzip mechanism is able to unpack archives packed by "*.tar.gz"
compression, which usually is used on *nix-like systems e.g. Linux. I recommend to install an archive manager like 7-Zip anyway.Once you have successfully unpacked the
source code package, you should get an additional directory named "lua-5.3.5"
within your "tmp\lua"
folder. If you just have an intermediate file called "lua-5.3.5.tar"
, you have to unpack that file again.$> dir
Directory of C:\Users\cschmidt\tmp\lua
11.07.2019 14:19 <DIR> .
11.07.2019 14:19 <DIR> ..
26.06.2018 18:21 <DIR> lua-5.3.5
21.06.2019 15:11 303.543 lua-5.3.5.tar.gz
1 File(s) 303.543 bytes
3 Dir(s) bytes free
11.07.2019 14:19 <DIR> .
11.07.2019 14:19 <DIR> ..
26.06.2018 18:21 <DIR> lua-5.3.5
21.06.2019 15:11 303.543 lua-5.3.5.tar.gz
1 File(s) 303.543 bytes
3 Dir(s) bytes free
Everything from the source code package will be unpacked into the sub-directory
To see, what we got, type:
$> cd lua-5.3.5
$> dir /s
$> dir /s
Volume in drive C has no label.
Volume Serial Number is 62D3-5614
Directory of C:\Users\cschmidt\tmp\lua\lua-5.3.5
Directory of C:\Users\cschmidt\tmp\lua\lua-5.3.5\doc
Directory of C:\Users\cschmidt\tmp\lua\lua-5.3.5\src
11.07.2019 14:53 <DIR> .
11.07.2019 14:53 <DIR> ..
06.12.2017 20:35 31.352 lapi.c
19.04.2017 19:20 545 lapi.h
19.04.2017 19:20 30.495 lauxlib.c
19.04.2017 19:20 8.632 lauxlib.h
19.04.2017 19:20 1.305 lualib.h
19.04.2017 19:20 6.179 lundump.c
19.04.2017 19:20 803 lundump.h
19.04.2017 19:29 7.075 lutf8lib.c
19.04.2017 19:39 44.393 lvm.c
19.04.2017 19:20 3.685 lvm.h
19.04.2017 19:20 1.365 lzio.c
19.04.2017 19:20 1.481 lzio.h
25.06.2018 19:46 6.911 Makefile
63 File(s) 694.458 bytes
Total Files Listed:
75 File(s) 1.088.257 bytes
8 Dir(s) 160.102.793.216 bytes free
Volume Serial Number is 62D3-5614
Directory of C:\Users\cschmidt\tmp\lua\lua-5.3.5
Directory of C:\Users\cschmidt\tmp\lua\lua-5.3.5\doc
Directory of C:\Users\cschmidt\tmp\lua\lua-5.3.5\src
11.07.2019 14:53 <DIR> .
11.07.2019 14:53 <DIR> ..
06.12.2017 20:35 31.352 lapi.c
19.04.2017 19:20 545 lapi.h
19.04.2017 19:20 30.495 lauxlib.c
19.04.2017 19:20 8.632 lauxlib.h
19.04.2017 19:20 1.305 lualib.h
19.04.2017 19:20 6.179 lundump.c
19.04.2017 19:20 803 lundump.h
19.04.2017 19:29 7.075 lutf8lib.c
19.04.2017 19:39 44.393 lvm.c
19.04.2017 19:20 3.685 lvm.h
19.04.2017 19:20 1.365 lzio.c
19.04.2017 19:20 1.481 lzio.h
25.06.2018 19:46 6.911 Makefile
63 File(s) 694.458 bytes
Total Files Listed:
75 File(s) 1.088.257 bytes
8 Dir(s) 160.102.793.216 bytes free
Compile the Lua interpreter from the sources
In order to compile the Lua interpreters source code, we need a compiler. I assume that you have already a "Visual Studio 2019" (Community Edition will be sufficient) or similar installed.
We now need a new command shell with the compiler tool chain set up. The easiest way, to get this "special" shell, is to start up Visual Studio and launch the command shell from the menu:
"Tools --> Visual Studio Command Prompt"
In that shell, navigate again to our source code folder:
$> cd %HOMEDRIVE%\%HOMEPATH%\tmp\lua\lua-5.3.5\src
To compile the source, type:
$> cl /MD /O2 /c /DLUA_BUILD_AS_DLL *.c
$> ren lua.obj lua.o
$> ren luac.obj luac.o
$> link /DLL /IMPLIB:lua5.3.5.lib /OUT:lua5.3.5.dll *.obj
$> link /OUT:lua.exe lua.o lua5.3.5.lib
$> lib /OUT:lua5.3.5-static.lib *.obj
$> link /OUT:luac.exe luac.o lua5.3.5-static.lib
$> ren lua.obj lua.o
$> ren luac.obj luac.o
$> link /DLL /IMPLIB:lua5.3.5.lib /OUT:lua5.3.5.dll *.obj
$> link /OUT:lua.exe lua.o lua5.3.5.lib
$> lib /OUT:lua5.3.5-static.lib *.obj
$> link /OUT:luac.exe luac.o lua5.3.5-static.lib
Alternatively, you can put all the instructions in a file named
and just execute that file:cl /MD /O2 /c /DLUA_BUILD_AS_DLL *.c
ren lua.obj lua.o
ren luac.obj luac.o
link /DLL /IMPLIB:lua5.3.5.lib /OUT:lua5.3.5.dll *.obj
link /OUT:lua.exe lua.o lua5.3.5.lib
lib /OUT:lua5.3.5-static.lib *.obj
link /OUT:luac.exe luac.o lua5.3.5-static.lib
ren lua.obj lua.o
ren luac.obj luac.o
link /DLL /IMPLIB:lua5.3.5.lib /OUT:lua5.3.5.dll *.obj
link /OUT:lua.exe lua.o lua5.3.5.lib
lib /OUT:lua5.3.5-static.lib *.obj
link /OUT:luac.exe luac.o lua5.3.5-static.lib
$> buildLua5.3.5.bat
C:\Users\cschmidt\tmp\lua\lua-5.3.5\src>cl /MD /O2 /c /DLUA_BUILD_AS_DLL *.c
Microsoft (R) C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 19.21.27702.2 for x86
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Generating Code...
C:\Users\cschmidt\tmp\lua\lua-5.3.5\src>ren lua.obj lua.o
C:\Users\cschmidt\tmp\lua\lua-5.3.5\src>ren luac.obj luac.o
C:\Users\cschmidt\tmp\lua\lua-5.3.5\src>link /DLL /IMPLIB:lua5.3.5.lib /OUT:lua5.3.5.dll *.obj
Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 14.21.27702.2
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Creating library lua5.3.5.lib and object lua5.3.5.exp
C:\Users\cschmidt\tmp\lua\lua-5.3.5\src>link /OUT:lua.exe lua.o lua5.3.5.lib
Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 14.21.27702.2
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:\Users\cschmidt\tmp\lua\lua-5.3.5\src>lib /OUT:lua5.3.5-static.lib *.obj
Microsoft (R) Library Manager Version 14.21.27702.2
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:\Users\cschmidt\tmp\lua\lua-5.3.5\src>link /OUT:luac.exe luac.o lua5.3.5-static.lib
Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 14.21.27702.2
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Creating library luac.lib and object luac.exp
Microsoft (R) C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 19.21.27702.2 for x86
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Generating Code...
C:\Users\cschmidt\tmp\lua\lua-5.3.5\src>ren lua.obj lua.o
C:\Users\cschmidt\tmp\lua\lua-5.3.5\src>ren luac.obj luac.o
C:\Users\cschmidt\tmp\lua\lua-5.3.5\src>link /DLL /IMPLIB:lua5.3.5.lib /OUT:lua5.3.5.dll *.obj
Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 14.21.27702.2
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Creating library lua5.3.5.lib and object lua5.3.5.exp
C:\Users\cschmidt\tmp\lua\lua-5.3.5\src>link /OUT:lua.exe lua.o lua5.3.5.lib
Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 14.21.27702.2
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:\Users\cschmidt\tmp\lua\lua-5.3.5\src>lib /OUT:lua5.3.5-static.lib *.obj
Microsoft (R) Library Manager Version 14.21.27702.2
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
C:\Users\cschmidt\tmp\lua\lua-5.3.5\src>link /OUT:luac.exe luac.o lua5.3.5-static.lib
Microsoft (R) Incremental Linker Version 14.21.27702.2
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Creating library luac.lib and object luac.exp
Fine, everything is build locally into the current folder "src". If we want to use the result of this compilation, we can just move everything we need to a folder called "lua" in our home-directory:
$> mkdir %HOMEDRIVE%\%HOMEPATH%\lua
$> copy *.dll %HOMEDRIVE%\%HOMEPATH%\lua\
$> copy *.h %HOMEDRIVE%\%HOMEPATH%\lua\
$> copy *.hpp %HOMEDRIVE%\%HOMEPATH%\lua\
$> copy *.exp %HOMEDRIVE%\%HOMEPATH%\lua\
$> copy *.lib %HOMEDRIVE%\%HOMEPATH%\lua\
$> copy *.exe %HOMEDRIVE%\%HOMEPATH%\lua\
$> copy *.dll %HOMEDRIVE%\%HOMEPATH%\lua\
$> copy *.h %HOMEDRIVE%\%HOMEPATH%\lua\
$> copy *.hpp %HOMEDRIVE%\%HOMEPATH%\lua\
$> copy *.exp %HOMEDRIVE%\%HOMEPATH%\lua\
$> copy *.lib %HOMEDRIVE%\%HOMEPATH%\lua\
$> copy *.exe %HOMEDRIVE%\%HOMEPATH%\lua\
Finally we need to expand the "PATH" environment variable (in the system-settings) by that location to the Lua interpreter binary.
After doing so, we open a new command shell, as described at the beginning of this article, in order to test if everything is working:
$> lua
> Lua 5.3.5 Copyright (C) 1994-2018 Lua.org, PUC-Rio
To exit the interpreter, just type "CTRL-C".
Fine! Now, we can safely delete the folder