Friday, June 19, 2015

Blogger: Setup "SyntaxHighlighter" for your blog


Install "SyntaxHighlighter" on Google-Drive to make it easy to format your source-code on your blog on Blogger. This is needed, because the original hosting service of "SyntaxHighlighter" only supports "http" which Google does not like anymore for security reasons. Installing the needed files on Google-Drive will solve the problem and will serve the needed Javascript and CSS files via "https".


This time I wanted to write a new blog article containing C++ code. I was not very keen of manually highlighting the code-snippets like I did in my first blog article about implementing a Java "synchronized" keyword in C++. Therefore I searched the web for a Syntax-Highlighter. I found many online solutions where you can copy&paste your code into a textarea to get html-code for your source-code that can be copied into your blogs source-text. Unfortunatelly this is not very practical nor flexible if you change or edit of your code while writing the blog article or even later. I needed a solution where you just copy&paste your raw-source-code into your blogs text. Ok, maybe you need to assign some specific style, but that's ok. In the end, I found "SyntaxHighlighter" a Javascript and CSS framework written by Alex Gorbatchev. I tried it in my Test-Blog and unfortunatelly noticed that the default hosting that Mr. Gorbatchev provided on his homepage is only "http" and not "https". Since a few weeks ago, links with only "http" do not work anymore with Blogger and Google-Chrome. Therefore I had to find an easy solution, to host the "SyntaxHighlighter" scripts myself via "https". I found out, that I very neat solution herefore is, to copy the needed files to your Google-Drive and make them publically accessible. This was the solution of my choice, because I already use the blogging service that Google provides.



Get SyntaxHighlighter

Download SyntaxHighlighter from and unzip it (in my case version 3.0.83):

$> unzip

creating: syntaxhighlighter_3.0.83/
inflating: syntaxhighlighter_3.0.83/index.html
inflating: syntaxhighlighter_3.0.83/LGPL-LICENSE
inflating: syntaxhighlighter_3.0.83/MIT-LICENSE
creating: syntaxhighlighter_3.0.83/scripts/
inflating: syntaxhighlighter_3.0.83/scripts/shAutoloader.js
inflating: syntaxhighlighter_3.0.83/scripts/shBrushCpp.js
inflating: syntaxhighlighter_3.0.83/styles/shThemeRDark.css
creating: syntaxhighlighter_3.0.83/tests/

DEPRECATED SECTION : Setup your Hosting of SyntaxHighlighter on Google-Drive

The following section is deprecated. Due to the fact that Google deprecated web-hosting support in Google-Drive as of 31. August 2015 (Reference:
However, the web-hosting via Google-Drive stopped working only a year later as of 31. August 2016.

An alterative to host your javascript files is using github-pages.
So skip this section or jump directly to Blogger: Host "SyntaxHighlighter" on GitHub-Pages

Setup your Hosting of SyntaxHighlighter on Google-Drive

1. Create your folder

Log into your Google Drive account. Create a folder, by clicking "New" and then "Folder". Choose where you want to store your SyntaxHighlighter files. I named the root folder "Blog" and even created a subfolder named "SyntaxHighlighter" to create kind of a directory hierarchy in case I want also to host other packages in future.

Within the folder "SyntaxHighlighter" create 2 subfolders "scripts" and "styles".

2. Share your folder

Select the folder and then click the Share button.

Click on advanced and choose "change..."

then choose "On - Public on the web" in the next dialog

and click "Save".

3. Upload the necessary files from SyntaxHighlighter

Navigate back into your "Blog/SyntaxHighligter/scripts" folder and choose "File upload".

Now, navigate to the local folder where you unzipped the source of and go into the subfolder "scripts". Here you have to select at least "shCore.js" and minimum a "shBrushXX.js" file. The "shBrushXX.js" files specify which languages will be highlighted later on on your blog. I only have choosen "shBrushCpp.js" for the moment.

Navigate into "styles" folder and choose "File upload" again. Upload at least "shCore.css" and "shThemeDefault.css" from the "styles" folder of your local Hightlighter sources.

Prepare your template to support code formatting

Go to your Blogger's blog online editor and choose "Template" from the menu at the left.

Click on "Edit HTML".

Within the code search for the closing head-tag

    <b:include data='blog' name='google-analytics'/>

  <body expr:class='&quot;loading&quot; + data:blog.mobileClass'>
  <b:section class='navbar' id='navbar' maxwidgets='1' name='Navbar' showaddelement='no'>

And copy the following code (only the links to the files you prepared for hosting) right before the end head-tag

<!-- Begin SyntaxHighlighter-->
    <link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/> 
    <link href='' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'/> 
    <script src='' type='text/javascript'/> 
 <script src='' type='text/javascript'/> 
    <!--script src='' type='text/javascript'/--> 
    <!--script src='' type='text/javascript'/> 
    <script src='' type='text/javascript'/> 
    <script src='' type='text/javascript'/> 
    <script src='' type='text/javascript'/> 
    <script src='' type='text/javascript'/> 
    <script src='' type='text/javascript'/> 
    <script src='' type='text/javascript'/> 
    <script src='' type='text/javascript'/> 
    <script src='' type='text/javascript'/> 
    <script src='' type='text/javascript'/> 
    <script src='' type='text/javascript'/--> 
    <script type='text/javascript'>
    window.setTimeout(function() {
        SyntaxHighlighter.config.bloggerMode = true;
    }, 20);
<!-- End SyntaxHighlighter-->

The strange "xxxxx" is the placeholder for your very own share id. You can find your share-id, when you choose again the folder "SyntaxHighlighter" on your Google-Drive. Exchange all "xxxxx" in the code above by your share-id, e.g. "ZsTjl4Sjl0YmQ4SmNTh6WavThstZbGR0Mm1ydQAfm9oWlhkQlNRJSm9wQ3Z0Bxn0jvqYuNlU".

Test it

Let's put some source-code into a blog article to check if it shows up correctly. There are 2 possibilities how to do this:

Method 1:

<script type="syntaxhighlighter" class="brush: cpp"><![CDATA[
// 'Hello World!' program 
#include <iostream>
int main()
  std::cout << "Hello World!" << std::endl;
  return 0;


Method 2:

<pre class="brush: cpp">
// 'Hello World!' program 
#include &lt;iostream&gt;
int main()
  std::cout << "Hello World!" << std::endl;
  return 0;


// 'Hello World!' program 
#include <iostream>
int main()
  std::cout << "Hello World!" << std::endl;
  return 0;
Great! It works! Have fun!


  2. Embed Code Syntax Highlighting in Blog
  3. How to Host JavaScript or CSS Files on Google Drive

Friday, May 15, 2015

Install multiple versions of gcc at the same time


Install gcc/g++ version 4.9 and 5.1 on my current Linux Mint 17.1 Rebecca distribution. Use gcc 4.9 to compile the VirtualBox kernel driver.


Recently I upgraded my gcc to version 5.1 via the Synaptic package manager as an suggested update. By doing this, my already installed version of gcc version 4.9 got lost. Few days later I updated my VirtualBox 4.3.26 to version 4.3.28. As a consequence of the update, all VirtualBox guest-systems refused to start, by claiming that I have update also the kernel drivers for virtualbox. Ok, no problem, as it gave me the command to do so ... but wait, I am running on an yet not officially supported kernel (as I explained in a previous post). The command updating or let's say compiling the kernel driver for VirtualBox miserably failed, due to a missing header file in gcc 5.1.


  • Linux Mint 17.1 Rebecca
  • Kernel version 3.17.1
  • VirtualBox 4.3.28


The command to update the kernel driver for VirtualBox 4.3.26 was:

$> sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup

I still just had gcc 5.1 installed and unfortunatelly got the following error:

Stopping VirtualBox kernel modules ...done.
Uninstalling old VirtualBox DKMS kernel modules ...done.
Trying to register the VirtualBox kernel modules using DKMSError! Bad return status for module build on kernel: 3.17.1-031701-generic (x86_64)
Consult /var/lib/dkms/vboxhost/4.3.28/build/make.log for more information.
(Failed, trying without DKMS)
Recompiling VirtualBox kernel modules ...failed!
(Look at /var/log/vbox-install.log to find out what went wrong)

The error in the log "/var/lib/dkms/vboxhost/4.3.28/build/make.log" mentioned above was ...

LD /var/lib/dkms/vboxhost/4.3.28/build/built-in.o
LD /var/lib/dkms/vboxhost/4.3.28/build/vboxdrv/built-in.o
CC [M] /var/lib/dkms/vboxhost/4.3.28/build/vboxdrv/linux/SUPDrv-linux.o
In file included from include/linux/compiler.h:54:0,
from /var/lib/dkms/vboxhost/4.3.28/build/vboxdrv/include/iprt/types.h:116,
from /var/lib/dkms/vboxhost/4.3.28/build/vboxdrv/include/VBox/types.h:30,
from /var/lib/dkms/vboxhost/4.3.28/build/vboxdrv/linux/../SUPDrvInternal.h:35,
from /var/lib/dkms/vboxhost/4.3.28/build/vboxdrv/linux/SUPDrv-linux.c:31:
include/linux/compiler-gcc.h:106:30: fatal error: linux/compiler-gcc5.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
make[2]: *** [/var/lib/dkms/vboxhost/4.3.28/build/vboxdrv/linux/SUPDrv-linux.o] Error 1
make[1]: *** [/var/lib/dkms/vboxhost/4.3.28/build/vboxdrv] Error 2
make: *** [_module_/var/lib/dkms/vboxhost/4.3.28/build] Error 2


Install multiple versions of gcc

There is a very convenient package called update-alternatives to do the job of installing multiple versions of gcc and select the proper version for your current compile tasks.

To install just gcc/g++ 4.9 and gcc/g++ 5.1, first get rid of any other version by cleaning up the system:

$> sudo update-alternatives --remove-all gcc && sudo update-alternatives --remove-all g++

After the command returned you can install your required versions of gcc/g++:

$> sudo apt-get install gcc-4.9 gcc-5 g++-4.9 g++-5

Be patient because this may take a while if your don't have the packages allready installed.

If you get an error message like:

Paketlisten werden gelesen... Fertig
Abhängigkeitsbaum wird aufgebaut.
Statusinformationen werden eingelesen.... Fertig
Note, selecting 'gcc-4.9-base' for regex 'gcc-4.9'
E: Paket gcc-5 kann nicht gefunden werden.
E: Paket g++-4.9 kann nicht gefunden werden.
E: Mittels regulärem Ausdruck »g++-4.9« konnte kein Paket gefunden werden.
E: Paket g++-5 kann nicht gefunden werden.
E: Mittels regulärem Ausdruck »g++-5« konnte kein Paket gefunden werden.

You have to add a new repository "ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test"
source first by exexuting:

$> sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test
$> sudo apt-get update

Install the gcc versions in update-alternatives

To make update-alternatives aware of your installed compilers you have to execute the following additional installer commands:

$> sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-4.9 10
$> sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-5 20

$> sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-4.9 10
$> sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-5 20

$> sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/cc cc /usr/bin/gcc 30
$> sudo update-alternatives --set cc /usr/bin/gcc

$> sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/c++ c++ /usr/bin/g++ 30
$> sudo update-alternatives --set c++ /usr/bin/g++

Configure update-alternatives

As a last step you have to configure the default commands for gcc, g++:
$> sudo update-alternatives --config gcc

If everything went well, you should be able to interactively choose which C-Compiler version you want to activate:

There are 2 choices for the alternative gcc (providing /usr/bin/gcc).

Selection Path Priority Status
* 0 /usr/bin/gcc-5 20 auto mode
1 /usr/bin/gcc-4.9 10 manual mode
2 /usr/bin/gcc-5 20 manual mode

Press enter to keep the current choice[*], or type selection number: _

The same can be done for the C++-Compiler g++:

$> sudo update-alternatives --config g++

I've choosen gcc-4.9 and g++-4.9 for the moment.

Recompile the kernel module for VirtualBox with gcc 4.9

Finally, I typed again:

$> sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup

... and this time the update was successful:

Stopping VirtualBox kernel modules ...done.
Uninstalling old VirtualBox DKMS kernel modules ...done.
Trying to register the VirtualBox kernel modules using DKMS
Starting VirtualBox kernel modules ...done.
cschmidt@pippin:~$ sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup
Stopping VirtualBox kernel modules ...done.
Uninstalling old VirtualBox DKMS kernel modules ...done.
Trying to register the VirtualBox kernel modules using DKMS ...done.
Starting VirtualBox kernel modules ...done.

As a last step I switched back to gcc/g++ 5.1 by the commands given above.

Have fun!

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Install Bash-Shell in favour of Ash-Shell on your Synology


I wanted to use the bash-shell on my Synology DS209+II. There are no official packages from Synology provided, but I knew there is a way to install custom and optional packages via ipkg.


As my Synology is mostly running 24/7, I wanted establish a custom download-script which is started and stopped as a cron-job at certain periods of time. The script itself uses some commands relying on a bash-shell, but the Synology default command shell is just the less powerful ash-shell.



Open a ssh-connection to your Synology

Log into your Synology as root using ssh (e.g "ssh -l root DiskStation").

Install the Bash-Shell-Package:

DiskStation$> ipkg install -A bash

You should see something like this:

DiskStation> ipkg install bash
Installing bash (3.2.54-1) to root...
Installing readline (6.1-2) to root...
Installing ncurses (5.7-3) to root...
Configuring bash
Configuring ncurses
update-alternatives: Linking //opt/bin/clear to /opt/bin/ncurses-clear
Configuring readline
Successfully terminated.

Now, Bash-Shell is installed, but when you log into your Synology it's not yet automatically started. You are still with Ash-Shell.

Activate automatic log-in with Bash

You could exchange the shell type for log-in in your /etc/passwd on your Synology, by exchanging the line (here it's done for user: root):




Unfortunatelly doing so, has the disadvantage, that you might loose the ability to log into your Synology at all from remote after an upgrade of your Firmware. Because optional packages like Bash are installed into /opt may be inavailable after a system-update. To prevent this accidental lock-out, it's preferred to continue to log-in with Ash-Shell, but start Bash automatically at once after you're successfully logged in.

To achive this you have to create/edit the file .profile in the homeaccount of the user the should be able to log-in on your Synology. Go to your homeaccount (e.g. /root/ for the user: root) and type the following as the proper user on you Synology:

DiskStation$> vi .profile

If the file has content, just add this lines to it:

# ...

if [[ -x /opt/bin/bash ]]; then
    exec /opt/bin/bash

That's it. Next time, when root logs into your Synology, he is on a Bash-Shell.

Refine Configuration

If you want to use a different command prompt or to have some alias-commands, or at least the proper shell name in your "SHELL" environment variable, it's advisable also to create a .bashrc in the homeaccount, with the following example content (feel free to alter it to your convenience):

DiskStation$> vi .bashrc

PS1='\u@\h:\w \$ '
export SHELL=/opt/bin/bash

The first line gives you a nice bash prompt. The second explicitly sets the "SHELL" variable to your correct shell.

If you want also other scripts automatically using Bash instead of Ash, additionally create a symbolic link to it in /bin/:

DiskStation$> ln -s /opt/bin/bash /bin/bash

ADVICE: Keep a separate root shell window open until you have confirmed all of the changes work.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Prepare your Synology NAS to install custom packages via ipkg


I wanted to use the bash-shell and a newer wget on my Synology DS209+II. There are no official packages from Synology provided, but I knew there is a way to install custom and optional packages via ipkg. Unfortunatelly ipkg must be so called bootstrapped, because it is already a custom package itself.


As my Synology is mostly running 24/7, I wanted establish a custom download-script which is started and stopped as a cron-job at certain periods of time. The script itself uses some commands relying on a bash-shell, but the Synology default command shell is just the less powerful ash-shell. Also some of the wget-options I use in that script seem to be broken in the version of wget that my Synology has installed.


  • DS209+II
  • Proper bootstrap script for your Synology NAS


Download the proper boostrap script

First you have to find out which processor is used on your specific Synology NAS.

Log into your Synology as root using ssh (e.g "ssh -l root DiskStation") and type the following command:

DiskStation$> cat /proc/cpuinfo

Doing so on my DS209+II printed the following information:

processor : 0
cpu : e500v2
clock : 1066.560000MHz
revision : 2.2 (pvr 8021 0022)
bogomips : 133.32
timebase : 66660000
platform : MPC8544 DS
model : MPC8544DS
Vendor : Freescale Semiconductor
PVR : 0x80210022
SVR : 0x80340011
PLL setting : 0x4
Memory : 512 MB
Memory : 512 MB

Now I know I have a Freescale PowerPC (e500v*), I can download the proper boostrap script here:

You can find a list of all bootstrap scripts here (column: "Optware-Pfad/IPKG"):
Processors used in Synology NAS Systems (German)

Now download the proper script and copy it to your Synology.

On the (still open) ssh connection "cd" into the folder where you stored the script and type (script name for your Synology type may differ!):

DiskStation$> sh syno-e500-bootstrap_1.2-7_powerpc.xsh

After you hit enter and you see something like this:

Optware Bootstrap for syno-e500.
Extracting archive... please wait
1330+1 records in
1330+1 records out

you already have installed an older version of ipkg.

Now you first have to remove this version, before installing the new one.

Backup your old ipkg configuration (only if you already have ipkg on your system)

If you have already installed ipkg and other custom packages via ipkg then make a backup of the following folders on you Synology:

  • /volume1/@optware
  • /usr/lib/ipkg

then remove all existing optware packages:

DiskStation$> rm -rf /volume1/@optware && rm -rf /usr/lib/ipkg

Afterwards, you must *reboot your Synology* and then restart the bootstrap script.

Re-Install ipkg

Again, log-into your Synology via ssh as root and type:

DiskStation$> sh syno-e500-bootstrap_1.2-7_powerpc.xsh

Now you should see a full install log:

Optware Bootstrap for syno-e500.
Extracting archive... please wait
1330+1 records in
1330+1 records out
Creating temporary ipkg repository...
Installing optware-bootstrap package...
Unpacking optware-bootstrap.ipk...Done.
Configuring optware-bootstrap.ipk...Setting up ipkg arch-file
Installing ipkg...
Unpacking ipkg-opt.ipk...Done.
Configuring ipkg-opt.ipk...WARNING: can't open config file: /usr/syno/ssl/openssl.cnf
Removing temporary ipkg repository...
Installing wget...
Installing wget (1.12-2) to root...
Configuring wget
Successfully terminated.
Creating /opt/etc/ipkg/cross-feed.conf...
Setup complete.

Update your $PATH variable, so that the ipkg can be found after reboot.
Therefore open the file $HOME/.profile and edit the line with your PATH:

PATH=/opt/bin:/opt/sbin:[the content that was already there]

Finally it's recommended to update your ipkg-package to ensure to use the newest version:

DiskStation$> ipkg update

Updated list of available packages in /opt/lib/ipkg/lists/cross
Successfully terminated.

If you use "ipkg upgrade" instead of "ipkg update", also all already installed custom packages are upgraded, too.

Boostrap done. Now you can install optional packages via the ipkg command on your Synology.



Saturday, March 7, 2015

Linux Mint: Install new kernel version and update Virtual Box kernel module


I want to install the latest Linux Kernel available for my system. I also want still to work with my already installed VirtualBox which needs to install a kernel module after a kernel switch.


There was no real resaon behind my plans to install the Linux Kernel 3.17.1. I just thought it's time for an upgrade. My current kernel is 3.13.


  • Linux Mint 17.1 Rebecca
  • Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager 4.3.24


Install the Linux Kernel packages

To check which kernel packages are currently available you can do a search like (filtered by version "3.17"):

$> apt-cache search linux- | grep 3.17

you'll see some output like this:

linux-headers-3.17.1-031701 - Header files related to Linux kernel version 3.17.1
linux-headers-3.17.1-031701-generic - Linux kernel headers for version 3.17.1 on 64 bit x86 SMP
linux-image-3.17.1-031701-generic - Linux kernel image for version 3.17.1 on 64 bit x86 SMP

For 64-Bit systems download the following packages ...

$> wget

$> wget

$> wget

and for 32-Bit systems download the following ...

$> wget

$> wget

$> wget

Now install the packages:

$> sudo dpkg -i linux-headers-3.17.1*.deb linux-image-3.17.1*.deb

Reboot the system.

$> sudo reboot

After a successful reboot, you can delete the *.deb packages again:

$> rm linux-*

Uninstall the Linux Kernel again (if you don't like it anymore)

You can uninstall the new kernel with the following command, be aware that this may make your system unusable.

$> sudo apt-get remove 'linux-headers-3.17.1*' 'linux-image-3.17.1*'

Setup the VirtualBox Kernel module

$> sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup

You'll see output similar to:

Stopping VirtualBox kernel modules ...done.
Uninstalling old VirtualBox DKMS kernel modules ...done.
Trying to register the VirtualBox kernel modules using DKMS ...done.
Starting VirtualBox kernel modules ...done.

Now you are done!

Linux Mint: Install and configure OpenSSH


It should be possible to log-into my new desktop computer from my laptop via ssh.


Sometimes I want to run a script or program on my more powerful desktop computer, also while I am just sitting in front of my laptop. Furthermore I want to be able to configure my desktop computer from remote. To achive this I need to install and configure openssh inclusive X11 forwarding.


  • Linux Mint 17.1 Rebecca
  • A second computer or laptop with a ssh-client e.g. putty installed


Install the OpenSSH packages

Open a terminal. Download and install the openssh server and client package:

$> sudo apt-get install openssh-server openssh-client

you'll see some output like this:

Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
openssh-client is already the newest version.
Suggested packages:
rssh molly-guard monkeysphere
Recommended packages:
ncurses-term ssh-import-id
The following NEW packages will be installed:
openssh-server openssh-sftp-server
0 upgraded, 2 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
Need to get 354 kB of archives.
After this operation, 1.072 kB of additional disk space will be used.
Get:1 trusty-updates/main openssh-sftp-server amd64 1:6.6p1-2ubuntu2 [34,1 kB]
Get:2 trusty-updates/main openssh-server amd64 1:6.6p1-2ubuntu2 [319 kB]
Fetched 354 kB in 0s (781 kB/s)
Preconfiguring packages ...
Selecting previously unselected package openssh-sftp-server.
(Reading database ... 159066 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../openssh-sftp-server_1%3a6.6p1-2ubuntu2_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking openssh-sftp-server (1:6.6p1-2ubuntu2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package openssh-server.
Preparing to unpack .../openssh-server_1%3a6.6p1-2ubuntu2_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking openssh-server (1:6.6p1-2ubuntu2) ...
Processing triggers for man-db ( ...
Processing triggers for ureadahead (0.100.0-16) ...
ureadahead will be reprofiled on next reboot
Processing triggers for ufw (0.34~rc-0ubuntu2) ...
Setting up openssh-sftp-server (1:6.6p1-2ubuntu2) ...
Setting up openssh-server (1:6.6p1-2ubuntu2) ...
Creating SSH2 RSA key; this may take some time ...
Creating SSH2 DSA key; this may take some time ...
Creating SSH2 ECDSA key; this may take some time ...
Creating SSH2 ED25519 key; this may take some time ...
ssh start/running, process 3190
Processing triggers for ureadahead (0.100.0-16) ...
Processing triggers for ufw (0.34~rc-0ubuntu2) ...

Configure OpenSSH

The default configuration for OpenSSh on Linux Mint Rebecca located at /etc/ssh/sshd_config should already work fine without any further adjustment. The only limitation is that yout cannot log in as root by default.

If you want to allow remote login as root, open a shell and edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config:
$> gksu gedit /etc/ssh/sshd_config

Now change the following line to:

PermitRootLogin yes

Now you are done and can do a test log-in.

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Linux Mint: Setup autofs to mount automatically NFS-shares from a Synology


I installed Linux Mint 17.1 Rebecca on a new computer and I want to access the NFS shares from my Synology Disk Station.


As my Synology is not always running 24/7 it would be nice just to mount the NFS shares on my client computers on access and to avoid to integrate the shares statically in fstab. Integrating the shares in fstab would work, but I will always have to wait until a timeout is fullfilled while booting my computer, when the Synology is not running. I already set-up autofs for this "mount on demand" purpose on my laptop, which eves not always in the same network as my Synology.


  • Linux Mint 17.1 Rebecca
  • DS209+II


Install the autofs package

Download and install the autofs package via the following command from a shell:

$> sudo apt-get install autofs

you'll see some output like this:

Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
Recommended packages:
The following NEW packages will be installed:
0 upgraded, 1 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
Need to get 281 kB of archives.
After this operation, 1.671 kB of additional disk space will be used.
Get:1 trusty-updates/main autofs amd64 5.0.7-3ubuntu3.1 [281 kB]
Fetched 281 kB in 0s (496 kB/s)
Selecting previously unselected package autofs.
(Reading database ... 158913 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../autofs_5.0.7-3ubuntu3.1_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking autofs (5.0.7-3ubuntu3.1) ...
Processing triggers for ureadahead (0.100.0-16) ...
ureadahead will be reprofiled on next reboot
Processing triggers for man-db ( ...
Setting up autofs (5.0.7-3ubuntu3.1) ...
Creating config file /etc/auto.master with new version
Creating config file /etc/ with new version
Creating config file /etc/auto.misc with new version
Creating config file /etc/auto.smb with new version
Creating config file /etc/default/autofs with new version
autofs start/running, process 3481
Processing triggers for ureadahead (0.100.0-16) ...

Additionally install the nfs-common package, otherwise you won't be able to access the NFS shares.

$> sudo apt-get install nfs-common

Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
The following extra packages will be installed:
libgssglue1 libnfsidmap2 libtirpc1 rpcbind
Suggested packages:
open-iscsi watchdog
The following NEW packages will be installed:
libgssglue1 libnfsidmap2 libtirpc1 nfs-common rpcbind
0 upgraded, 5 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
Need to get 342 kB of archives.
After this operation, 1.375 kB of additional disk space will be used.
Do you want to continue? [Y/n] Y
Get:1 trusty/main libgssglue1 amd64 0.4-2ubuntu1 [19,7 kB]
Get:2 trusty/main libnfsidmap2 amd64 0.25-5 [32,2 kB]
Get:3 trusty/main libtirpc1 amd64 0.2.2-5ubuntu2 [71,3 kB]
Get:4 trusty-updates/main rpcbind amd64 0.2.1-2ubuntu2.1 [37,0 kB]
Get:5 trusty-updates/main nfs-common amd64 1:1.2.8-6ubuntu1.1 [182 kB]
Fetched 342 kB in 1s (288 kB/s)
Selecting previously unselected package libgssglue1:amd64.
(Reading database ... 158963 files and directories currently installed.)
Preparing to unpack .../libgssglue1_0.4-2ubuntu1_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking libgssglue1:amd64 (0.4-2ubuntu1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libnfsidmap2:amd64.
Preparing to unpack .../libnfsidmap2_0.25-5_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking libnfsidmap2:amd64 (0.25-5) ...
Selecting previously unselected package libtirpc1:amd64.
Preparing to unpack .../libtirpc1_0.2.2-5ubuntu2_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking libtirpc1:amd64 (0.2.2-5ubuntu2) ...
Selecting previously unselected package rpcbind.
Preparing to unpack .../rpcbind_0.2.1-2ubuntu2.1_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking rpcbind (0.2.1-2ubuntu2.1) ...
Selecting previously unselected package nfs-common.
Preparing to unpack .../nfs-common_1%3a1.2.8-6ubuntu1.1_amd64.deb ...
Unpacking nfs-common (1:1.2.8-6ubuntu1.1) ...
Processing triggers for man-db ( ...
Processing triggers for ureadahead (0.100.0-16) ...
Setting up libgssglue1:amd64 (0.4-2ubuntu1) ...
Setting up libnfsidmap2:amd64 (0.25-5) ...
Setting up libtirpc1:amd64 (0.2.2-5ubuntu2) ...
Setting up rpcbind (0.2.1-2ubuntu2.1) ...
Removing any system startup links for /etc/init.d/rpcbind ...
rpcbind start/running, process 5972
Processing triggers for ureadahead (0.100.0-16) ...
Setting up nfs-common (1:1.2.8-6ubuntu1.1) ...
Creating config file /etc/idmapd.conf with new version
Creating config file /etc/default/nfs-common with new version
Adding system user `statd' (UID 115) ...
Adding new user `statd' (UID 115) with group `nogroup' ...
Not creating home directory `/var/lib/nfs'.
statd start/running, process 6205
gssd stop/pre-start, process 6239
idmapd start/running, process 6286
Processing triggers for libc-bin (2.19-0ubuntu6.6) ...
Processing triggers for ureadahead (0.100.0-16) ...

Configure autofs

First create the destination directory where you want to mount the directories of your NFS server into. In my case this is below /mnt/DiskStation

$> sudo mkdir -p /mnt/DiskStation

Now add your exported NFS-Shares root-directory from your server to the "/etc/auto.master":

/mnt/DiskStation /etc/auto.nfs

$> gksu gedit /etc/auto.master

# Sample auto.master file
# ...
#/misc /etc/auto.misc
#/net -hosts
# Include /etc/auto.master.d/*.autofs
# Include central master map if it can be found using
# nsswitch sources.
# ...
/mnt/DiskStation /etc/auto.nfs

Create a "/etc/auto.nfs" with the following content (where "" is the IP of your Synology and "data" is the name of the exported directory):

Finally restart autofs

$> sudo service autofs restart

autofs stop/waiting
autofs start/running, process 4084

Done. Now you should be able to access the files from your Synology at /mnt/DiskStation/data.

More information on autofs can be found here.

Linux Mint: Move your home-directory into a separate partition after installation


I installed Linux Mint 17.1 Rebecca on new computer with a SSD with the Mint Installer default partitioning scheme, which mounts /boot, /root and /home into the same partition.


I decided to have my home-directory in a separate partition which I can mount into /home to make leter upgrading the system a little more painless.


  • Linux Mint 17.1 Rebecca
  • 512 GB SSD


Create a new partition

Resize your system partition and create a new partition in the free space. Follow this guide to see how you can resize Ubuntu partitions to complete this step.

Copy the home files into the new partition

Open a terminal and run the following command to create a copy of your current /home directory on the new partition, where /media/HOME is the location of your newly mounted partition (I gave it the LABEL=HOME during the creation process) where the new /home should reside:

$> sudo cp -Rp /home/* /media/HOME

You should check if everything went fine to avoid to loose data:

$> ls /media/HOME

In my case I got:

csch data lost+found

Determine the UUID of the newly created partition

Use the following command to get the UUID of your new home-partition:

$> sudo blkid

In my case I got (you can see the label HOME again here)

/dev/sda2: UUID="f270b74b-ce14-4481-bf32-1226b4fd776e" TYPE="ext4"
/dev/sda3: LABEL="HOME" UUID="a9c81163-f588-462a-89b0-dbdad87cef9c" TYPE="ext4"
/dev/sda6: UUID="023cf9e6-199f-475c-9fe1-c70b73d3047c" TYPE="swap"

Adapt your mount table in fstab to mount the new partition into "/home"

Make a backup of your current fstab (with a timestamp):

$> sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab.$(date +%Y-%m-%d)_backup

and edit the original fstab:

$>gksu gedit /etc/fstab

Add this line to your fstab and save the file (replace xxxxx with your UUID):

# (identifier) (location) (format, eg ext3 or ext4) (some settings)
UUID=xxxxx /home ext4 nodev,nosuid 0 2

Move home-directory into a backup and create a new mount-directory

$> cd / && sudo mv /home /old_home && sudo mkdir /home

Now you're done, finally reboot and prey!

$> sudo shutdown -r now

After your system is up again, you can savely clean-up the system:

$> sudo rm -rf /home_old


Additional info on how to deal with separate home-partitions can be found here.